17 May, 2011


Little Hudson now knows how to give his mama kisses.  He grabbed my face a little while ago, climbed onto my head, then proceeded to give me the wettest kiss in the history of the planet.  His triumphant smile was more precious than I can even put into words.  Then, back for seconds and thirds, my nose and forehead got in on the action.  He draws a very thin line between biting my face off and smothering me with slobbery love.  Either way, I'll take it!

He has eight teeth, now!  This pic is from before the others popped thru.

12 May, 2011

No time, no time...

I wish I had the time to update this blog more often.  With the end of school and four children, I'm seeing more and more how busy life is.  Hopefully over the next few days, I will be able to post here and there about the many things that have happened since last I wrote.

On that note, I will ask for prayers on behalf of my cousins' cousin, Matt.  He lost his eyesight one afternoon with no warning.  He had recently suffered an injury to his face from a feisty cow, but I have not heard whether they think that was the catalyst for his retinas detaching.  He had his second surgery this morning and will be lying face down on a rented massage table for the duration of the recovery due to gravity needing to help in the healing process.  He is being cared for by his mother and girlfriend, but I hope to talk with him soon.  I cannot imagine what he is going through right now.  How incredibly traumatic.

Tomorrow, I will post about my cousin, Cody, and his wedding in Arkansas.  It was a fast but fun trip- just Aaron, Hudson, and myself!  The girls stayed with Aaron's parents.  So nice.  Until then, goodbye!

(L to R) Adam and Heather, Zach, Mom, Dad, Sarah and Iris, Aaron, Sean, Me and Hudson