16 March, 2011

Chinese Laundry

Would you like to see what it looks like when a family of six with no outdoor clothesline, not enough quarters for the laundromat, a week's worth of dirty clothes, and a broken dryer looks like?

Well, folks, feast your eyes.  And, no, I did not take photos of the neighborhood rummage sale or the local children's secondhand clothing store racks...

I still have another load in the washer waiting it's turn on the racks...

Note the sheer ingenuity I had here- who knew a card table and chairs could be used for things other than forts and sitting upon!  Or, shall we call it...desperation? 

And, while my back was turned, look what the girls decided to do to poor Hudson:

Oh well, at least they didn't put makeup on him!

1 comment:

  1. Being a Mom sure does make creativity a must!
    Love the pics of Hudson in the tutu...reminds me of my little brother, he had to wear many a dance recital costume before he got too big to stop us 3 :) hahaha...too cute!
