11 April, 2011

I wished for home and husband;
the wish was granted me...
My heart and hearth are daily sparked
with masculinity.

I wished for children.
This request was also granted me.
A nimble, five-ringed circus
Performing endlessly!

I'm ready for my third wish now
though squandered it may be...
A few dull moments...
Please, oh please, occasionally!

-Author unknown

Hey, Elizabeth, will you keep an eye on Hudson for a minute?

Anabelle borrowing shoes from Ella and a seat from Hudson.

On the move.

The men all tuckered out.


  1. Awwwwwww.... that is one precious three-ring circus! :)

    And what blaspheme is Aaron wearing in that photo?!?!?!?

  2. LOVE this post! Such a cute poem and of course great pics! Your family is just so pretty/handsome!!!
