19 January, 2011

I'm raising little foodies!

  After our walk, I decided to go ahead and make dinner as planned...a new chicken pot pie recipe from Martha Stewart modified to be gluten free.  Had I known it would take 1 1/2 hours just to prepare, I would have waited for another night.  However, the end result was fabulous and my little food critics were more than satisfied.  Elizabeth had a running commentary for me about how moist the crust was on the inside, but flaky on the outside.  She loved the flavors coming out in the sauce, and was really sweet about everything.  Ella ate the crust first and was going on and on about how good the inside was.  They like watching shows on Food Network, and were making their own attempt at being judges.  Too funny.

  The pies turned out quite pretty, and were perfect individual portions.  If I have time, I'll make these again.  IF I have time...

  Every night when Aaron gets home, Anabelle immediately races to the refrigerator to get him his dinner.  Tonight, she was a puppy and retrieved everything with her mouth.  I snatched a photo of her getting his fork- quite a character I have here!

  She's taken a huge interest in anything I do in the kitchen.  If mommy has an apron, Anabelle has one, too.  If I throw in a pinch of salt, she follows suit.  I love it, and I think that is why she wants to feed daddy.  She has ownership in our meals and is quite proud.  I love it because my picky eater will sample everything while we make it and I don't worry as much about her calorie and nutritional intake.  Maybe she'll grow up to love the culinary arts!  My own little Iron Chef!

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